We love our Volunteers

Volunteers play a vital role at the Belknap Mill.  It is with their help that we are able to provide quality programming to the community.  

Please consider joining our group of dedicated volunteers!

Volunteer Opportunities

Front Desk
Volunteers at the front desk are the first to interact with visitors to the Belknap Mill! Tasks include welcoming guests, ringing out gift shop sales, answering the phone, and getting visitors started on their tours through the museum.  This is a great way to interact with the public and engage with our visitors.

Help with tasks related to our museum tours.

Special Events
Special event volunteers help out on an as-needed basis to prepare for and coordinate special events and programs.  This may involve helping with mailings, event set up and take down, and other tasks related to our signature events.

Archive Research

“I have been volunteering at the Belknap Mill, and met interesting, creative, fun people who work tirelessly to make this community a better place for people of all ages. The Mill is a center for arts, for the preservation of history, and for education of children and adults. I encourage anyone with a little time and a big sense of humor to join us!
— Kathy Anderson, Belknap Mill Volunteer